These are actual examples of shoots
W.C.B Baseball league of 130 players
Net Revenue: $2,042.67
Labor Needed: Owner plus one additional photographer on main day. Owner accomplished make-up day on a weeknight.
Approximate Net to Distributor: $550.00-$650.00
S.U.L.L. Baseball league of 260 players
Net Revenue: $5,083.00
Labor Needed: Owner plus one additional photographer and one assistant. Owner accomplished make-up day/.
Approximate Net to Distributor: $1500.00-$1,750.00
O.A. Football league of 179 players
Net Revenue: $4,046.65
Labor Needed: Owner plus one additional photographer and one assistant. Owner accomplished make-up day/.
Approximate Net to Distributor: $1250.00-$1,450.00
J.P.W. Football league of 740 players
Net Revenue: $15,040.00
Labor Needed: Owner plus three photographer and two assistants. Owner accomplished make-up day/.
Approximate Net to Distributor: $4,616.00-$5,3660.00