Picture Day is an event! The photos are just part of the event. The event itself is generally the "maker or break" on whether you retain the client from year to year. The quality of the photos are important but superb photos can't save an account where the event runs badly! On the other hand, mediocre photos will not necessarily cost you an account if you run a great event and keep a good relationship with the league coordinator! Here are the most common reasons accounts are lost:
  1. Photographers showing up late
  2. Photographers are rude\inappropriate\unprofessional to kids or parents.
  3. Photo day is disorganized! Regardless of whether the league or the photographer is at fault, the photographer always gets the blame!
  4. Photos are delivered late
  5. Photo orders are inaccurate or mixed up
  6. Photography company does not return calls and is hard to reach
  7. Another company gives the league a "better deal" or "better service" or "more for free"
  8. Bad photography
We get many calls from prospective distributors who tell us the "LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY" but it is very important to understand that this is not a photography business it is an event planning and relationship business! Most shoots have 2-5 photographers so your "personal photo skills" matter a lot less than you think. In fact, whereas some photograph businesses such as wedding photography are personal and the client wants a particular person's skill, the youth sports league market is far from that. Nobody cares who does the photography as long as the event runs well and the photos are acceptable!